
Refractive Surgery


For those who do not wish to wear spectacles or contact lenses, Lasik is an effective alternative. Lasik is a laser vision correction surgery. The laser application time is usually less than one minute for each eye and the entire procedure takes around 15 minutes only. You are free of glasses/contact lens now.

Our Specialties

1000s of procedures done
1000s of procedures done
Zeiss German technology
Zeiss German technology
Pain free
Pain free
Laser in Progress
Laser in Progress
Professional Advice
Professional Advice

People who are at least 18 years old with stable eye power is fit for Refractive surgery. Patients using contact lenses must remove the lens before check-up.

Our trained doctors/cataract surgeons are well-versed with all the surgical procedures. This allows them to choose the most appropriate surgical procedure that is suited for each patient. Depending on the power, age of the patient, we choose from among LASIK, Epithelial PRK, ICL, or SMILE.

Corneal tomography, dry eyes measurement, wave front analysis, and corneal OCT

We administer topical anesthesia for the eyes at the start of the procedure. It takes about 15 minutes to complete the entire procedure.

Yes, it is possible to restore 20/20 vision provided you already had 20/20 vision prior to the treatment when you are wearing glasses or contact lenses.

We closely review patients the day after the surgery and a couple of weeks after that followed by periodic check ups depending on the individual patient’s health condition.

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